I believe that to mature as a golfer, you need to have an understanding of why certain individual fundamentals on the course are working for you, and why others aren't. In short, you have to understand the working components of your swing. Secondly, you need to understand what corrections or adjustments could be made in order to attain success.
The set-up that we teach is very specific and important. Playing with a straight spine and back angle is an important fundamental that we teach, and something that is literally the glue of our swing theory. Whether you are 5 yards form the green or teeing off, playing with a straight spine and back will ensure that you swing on a consistent plane every time you set over the golf ball. The following are reasons why a straight back is essential for you to see success out on the course:
- Gives you a fixed position to start from - every time
- Allows for the club to travel on a consistent plane
- This is essential in golf. If you are hunched over (and golfers are usually unaware of this) your swing plane is constantly changing due to the level of your body over the ball. This leads to many inconsistent shots (especially around the green).
- Minimizes hitting behind the ball or hitting the ball thin. This is a big problem for most golfers. If you haven't played for weeks and you find yourself not making solid contact, the first fundamental that should go through your mind is: "Is my back straight at setup and throughout the shot"?
This is one of the most important truths that we teach about the golf swing. If you look at the tour pros they always have a straight spine angle and back at set-up and throughout the swing. Whether you are on the tee, fairway, around the green, or even on the green - having a straight spine and back angle is extremely important. Especially around the green when you are pitching and chipping!
For some golfers, straightening your spine angle is going to feel very strange, because you've never played that way. But trust me, maintaining a straight spine throughout the swing will do wonders for your consistency because it leads to better impact with the ball. Next time you watch the tour players on TV, make sure to check out how straight their backs are at setup.
The main point that I want to communicate is that there are many factors in golf that you can't control. For example: course conditions, weather, and course difficulty. However, one aspect of your golf swing that can be constant and unchanging is your spine angle at set-up. So play golf this way and you will begin to develop consistency and confidence.
How To Drive The Ball Like A Pro
Tee shots can often be overlooked by beginner golfers, you must be aware that these can be one of the most important parts of the game.
Accuracy and distance are always the two factors that most golfers tend to aim to improve in their game. If you can hit a
Mastering the combination of distance + accuracy will greatly improve your game.
In order to get better at both, you will need to ensure that your setup and stance is perfect. When addressing the tee, you must line your feet up shoulder-width apart.
The address must be approached with a square stance, this is one of the simplest but most efficient driving tips. Both feet must line up with the target. Although a square stance should always be used, you may find that in some situations you will want to slightly open or close the stance, this is fair, as long as you do so by adjusting the forward foot up or back. Your hips and shoulders have to follow the same rule and stay square to the target. Maintaining this square stance will see you having fantastic results in no time.
In order to increase your distance, you will need to master the art of speeding up the club head, this can be tricky to master. You must ensure that you can properly wind and unwind your body, while keeping your knees flexed. By keeping your body too upright and straight you will actually limit your ability to gain much needed distance.
If you notice some wayward shots too often you must understand that you are doing something wrong. This is commonly due to the fact that your grip is off. If it is too strong or too weak you will risk an open or closed club face on impact. You can help keep your club face square on impact easily by using a neutral grip while hitting off the tee, this will ensure that your shot is accurate and on-target.
When addressing the ball, you must play it forward. This means that in your correct stance, the ball should be closer to your leading foot, not in the center. Your shots will sail high and accurate with this small adjustment.
Some golf driving techniques are often overlooked, one of the lesser known golf driving techniques is to always ensure that your hips lead the backswing, do not let the hands lead the swing. Doing this proper hip turn throughout the swing is a very important aspect of gaining much needed distance. This is because as your hips begin the swing, the rest of the body will follow.
A very important aspect of the swing is the peak. You should ensure that after your as you start your downswing, your hips do the work by leading the way. Once you have mastered this golfing tip, you will be surprised at how much you have actually enhanced your game.
One of the more well known techniques to improving your accuracy is to check the club head is followed by the hands through the strike. By doing this you will smoothly be able to hit the ball with a perfectly square club face, thus increasing your accuracy and reducing the chances of slicing or hooking the ball.
It may also be worth checking out the new 460 cc drivers to improve on any of the above golf driving techniques. The 460cc driver is the heaviest driver on the market, you can blame this on the bigger club head. This will give them the benefit of hitting the ball farther, but the accuracy can suffer unless you have a lot of practice with the 460cc driver. These clubs can take time and work to master.
Driving A Golf Ball Straight
It’s a known fact that every single person who plays golf wants to learn the skills of driving a golf ball straight. The only thing is, the driver can be one of the most complicated clubs to master, this can be a challenge for some players.
Something you should know: the length of a club generally determines how hard it is to use properly. But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that driving a golf ball straight is too difficult to master.
Your straight drives will greatly improve if you can consistantly master the technique of hitting off the tee with minimal backspin, a low traveling tradjectory, and enough force to keep rolling once the ball has landed.
The first stage of driving a golf ball straight is to realise how important leverage is throughout a complete swing. To achieve proper leverage, you must strive keep your head behind the ball from address to impact.
You should also know that you would get more distance from club speed than your arm strength. If you try to muscle your way through a shot, you will most likely end up with a very poor shot. Don’t be wrong in thinking that it’s your arms that generate all the power – it’s your hips and legs that should do all the work, so use them.
One more thing you should know is to let your hands lead the club at impact. This is a major tip for driving the golf ball straight. When you hear someone say “let your wrists break” – this is what they mean. If you are one of those players who make their club stop as soon as it impacts with the ball, try to avoid that by letting your arms and body do a complete and smooth follow through. – This is a fairly common mistake.
Don’t grip your club tightly. This is another key element in driving a golf ball straight. Try not to chop at the ball, but instead try and make it more of a whip. Try slowing down on your downswing if you have an inclination to slice the ball. You pretty much set yourself up for a slice if you can see more than two or three of your knuckles when you are looking down at your grip. So try to avoid this as well.
This also applies to those golfers who hook their ball. Your shot will change greatly if you have more than three knuckles on the shaft. Try not to pull or push the ball – this is one final tip. This can happen on two occasions: coming off the tee, or hitting off the fairway.
Look at the divot you leave behind to determine whether or not you are pushing or pulling the ball. If the divot you left is pointing left or right of your target line, your body is not positioned correctly. The most important factor in driving a ball straight is just to keep at it. Get on the range and refine the above techniques, soon enough your accuracy should greatly improve.
The swing theory that we teach is very simple, yet very effective. The following is dedicated to teaching you why golfers are successful with a more horizontal swing plane, which we teach. The first fundamental in our backswing is to turn around your spine. This move generates the power needed to add distance and most
importantly gives you consistency in your game.
importantly gives you consistency in your game.
This swing teaches a very simple takeaway, unlike the conventional swing that teaches a one piece takeaway. The one piece takeaway teaches to move the club back low to the ground and slow. This automatically causes you to shift your weight back and away from the target, and this is where golfers get into problems. Because when they shift their weight to their rear foot on the backswing, it's extremely difficult to time when to shift their weight forward through the impact zone.
So we have created a swing that eliminates 90% of the weight shift in the backswing, but we do focus on shifting your weight forward through the impact zone. This gives the golfer the best of both worlds - power and consistency.
Unfortunately this is just one of the fundamentals of the conventional swing that makes it so tough to learn and incorporate. When golfers have to worry about timing a weight shift effectively it is difficult to get your body and arms in the correct position at the impact zone, let alone get to the same impact position every time. So our swing takes eliminates weight shift back and away from the target, because it's just an added variable, so all you have to focus on in our swing is getting your hands through the ball at impact, and finishing your swing correctly.
This swing works better, and is easier to learn, because it eliminates the unnecessary movements in your backswing and downswing, in order to develop consistency. It's all about consistency and it works better than other golf theories because it provides an easy to-incorporate system that instills confidence in any golfer. Basically it helps you to get to the impact zone square on a more consistent basis.
If you are having trouble with consistency I recommend that you look at 4 different aspects of your swing: